Saturday 19 May 2007

day 38

Decided to return to the delicate fragile thoughts of the vinegar paper/rusting object process to make my final work. They seem to conjur up tangeable memories that remincse of a past superficial age:

Small experiment using some left over gelatine... delicate translucent quality defining boundaries of the object... beginning of a new conversation?

Thinking of the interactions of the object on the paer as the rust is absorbed... the paper wrestles with its new identity. This must be made evident in thw work to retain notions of process and method. Foam board was used to allow the paper to feel the weight of the objects... giving experience and a residual effect to the work.

Made 3 collections of 5 'portraits' for display. Did consider block multiples but felt the work didn't hold the same impact or carry the fragility of thought... lost amid the quantity?


Pleased with the quality, composition and placement of the images. However, their attachment to the wall was not satisfactory. The masking tape detracted from the uniqueness of the object prints. Although it gave the work unity, pins would have been preferable.

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