Monday 21 May 2007

day 40

Some points made/observations from critical feedback:

"own photograms of time"

"process of the work floating... contradictory to the weight seen in the images"

"corridor: gallery... studio: process"

"creates a dialogue with things that matter in life: discovery... discoveries in time and history"

" a layering of time... an implication of time... bringing the work into a new dimension"

"drawing out a characteristic and allowing memories to be formed"

"comes from something simple... there is the attraction"

"subconscious act... exerting the power of process"

"high element of control"

To conclude, this has proven to be an enormous learning curve of a project! I have thorughly enjoyed the experimenting and have relished the chance to follow my belief that work must hold a certain degree of aesthetic to cause intrigue and questioning.

So what was my brief? i don't know if I could really articulate a concise one... but the project has involved a number of points:

1. the generation of work through methodical process
2. analysis of the degradation and subsequent regeneration of objects
3. the capturing of memories of metal objects through superficial stripping of their ageing process: rust

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