Wednesday, 18 April 2007

day 10

I've been exploring the various textures/visuals that metals can produce. Zinc plate (from printing dept) is extremely maliable and has been creating delicate pools of material that i've been working into. Looking at the 'journey' of the rust 'film' that old metals take on... soaked sheets of tissue with vinegar and, as it diffuses through the paper, it take the rust with it. Interested at the patterns and delicacies made. Possible avenues to explore there.

Also been 'growing' salt solutions on sheets of steel... the marks/forms being made when subjected to a strong heat source are very organic... really like how this reinforces my interest in the way in which man and nature correspond.

Now looking at 3 additional artists to inform my experimentations:

Glen Onwin
(apologies being directed to the eca webpage... please just look at the photo of Onwin's work at the bottom of the page...)

Ilana Halperin
visied GOMA yesterday and connected with this image...this is what got me to research Halperin...

Bob Bingham
"Current work has shifted to focus on the expanded landscape within the cityscape: public parks, gardens and building grounds. This research explores the 'event' of entering and moving through the natural environment with an emphasis on boundaries, traffic paths and invented natural elements that unfold with time. The primary intention is to create a situation for an aesthetic experience; a place to contemplate the relationship between the natural and built environment."
This statement by Bingham really connected with me. Great inspiration found in his words and concepts... will definately progress with this now in mind.

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